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H.E.S. Academic Scholarship

The Hamilton Estonian Society offers a Scholarship opportunity for students of Estonian-Canadian heritage who are pursuing post secondary studies. Currently, it is anticipated that all scholarships awarded will be for a minimum of $300,


All applicants must be:

  • Canadian citizens or permanent residents

  • Registered at a university or college

  • Parent or applicant must be an active member of HES during the students graduating year of highschool and first year of university


This scholarship may be granted annually to one eligible student who is entering 1st year of undergraduate studies. There is no language proficiency requirement for this scholarship.



Submit completed application form and all accompanying documents, in English or Estonian, to any HES board member on or by June 1.

If successful, scholarship applicants agree:

  • To provide SIN number and proof of Canadian residence (e.g. driver’s licence)

  • To be contacted by HES, and to provide HES with updated address information

  • To ensure HES has a current email address and contact information for 5 years following receipt of the scholarship

  • To attend the HES Annual Members Meeting, or send a representative

  • To the publication of their names, photos, and any written information submitted in conjunction with their application by HES in digital or other format




EFC Board of Directors will review all applications. The number and amount of any scholarships is entirely at the discretion of the Board of Directors. . It is currently anticipated that all scholarship awards will be for a minimum of $300 and may be more depending upon the nature of the application. All decisions of the HES Scholarship Committee is final.


How to Apply

Copy and Paste the form below into the body of your email or into a MSWord document.

Complete the form and submit the following requirements to or



Parents name (Member of HES)

Permanent Address:



Date of Birth:

Post Secondary Institution:

Program and Year of Study:

Proof of Registration at a post-secondary institution

Digital photo head shot

Instagram Handle/Username:  

Facebook Profile Name:

Cover Letter/Letter of Intent, including brief bio, academic/professional goals, description of Estonian heritage and any involvement in the Estonian community.

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